Monday, August 15, 2011

Tennessee Baha'i School Choir!!!

We are thrilled to announce that there will be a special Choir to perform a concert on Sunday evening at this year’s Tennessee Baha’i School, under the direction of Tom Price.   If you are able to sing in tune, and learn the music, you are cordially invited to join this choir by emailing Tom ( with the subject heading Tennessee Baha’i School Choir.  Anyone attending the School is welcome to join the choir, even if they have not sung with Tom or other choirs before, but should have singing or music experience.  Please advise Tom what part you sing (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) if you know that information and any other brief details about your music experience.  Tom will send to you a link to download recordings and sheet music of your parts to be learned before coming to the School.  There will be one or two afternoon rehearsals at the School, but these will not be enough without singers learning most of the music in advance.  

We look forward to making this the most musical TBS ever!